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Does Beard Oil Actually Work?

Have you ever heard of the term beard oil, but skeptical beard oil actually works?

The first time I started to grow a beard, I wanted to know what I could put on it to make it look presentable and to stop the itch. Again, this thing’s going to be on your face so you want it to look good and feel good, right? So I searched google for “what to put on my beard” and beard oil popped up as the first result. Once I saw the term beard oil, I was literally scratching my beard wondering what beard oil is all about. First off, my beard was starting to grow just fine so why should I add beard oil to my daily routine? 

So, let’s dive right into what beard oil actually is and learn why you will seriously want to consider adding it to your daily beard grooming regime.


First let’s take a look at what ingredients can be found in beard oil. There are typically two main ingredients that make up the entire product. 

Carrier oil: Beard oils can consist of multiple carrier oils like Jojoba Oil, Argan Oil, and Almond Oil. There are numerous carrier oils available on the market that each have their own unique benefits.  Carrier oils like Jojoba and Aragan oil moisturize the skin underneath your beard and are effective to eliminate irritation, flaking, beard itch and will make your skin healthier.

Also it is good to know that when you grow out a longer beard the skin on your face cannot keep up with the demand of producing enough sebum oil (which is the oil found naturally in your skin). Since there’s less sebum oil production in your skin, its best to use a carrier oil to supplement your natural oil production. 

Essential oils: Just like carrier oils, essential oils give you additional benefits for your skin and your beard. For an example, essential oils like tea tree make a great antiseptic and can help clear up any unwanted acne that you may have on your face. There are hundreds of essential oils out there, so you definitely have a ton of room to explore when it comes to discovering new scents. These oils are excellent at making your beard smell absolutely amazing. 

Does Beard Oil Actually Work?, Does beard oil work, skullys beard oil


  • Golden Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil helps your skin retain moisture that is so vital for healthy beard and hair growth. It cleanses, conditions, and reduces skin irritations, has natural healing properties, is anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal helping to reduce acne, spots and blackheads. Jojoba oil also has antibacterial properties that can help with dry flaky skin and dandruff. It can also strengthen hair by penetrating the hair follicles and hydrating hair from the inside of the shaft. If your hair is quite thin then jojoba oil can add volume and make the hair appear thicker.


  • Argan Oil: Coming from Morocco, Argan oil will shine and soften facial hair. Argan has Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, moisturizing and anti-aging effects.


  • Sweet Almond Oil: Helps to prevent and rid of itchy irritating dry skin. Sweet almond oil is best known for its ability to recondition, soften, and soothe hair and skin.


  • Apricot Kernel Oil: Apricot kernel oil has a high level of B17 and is packed with fatty acids, vitamins A, C, and E, and antioxidants to keep your skin and hair healthy. It can add softness, moisture and shine to facial hair.


  • Grape seed Oil: Grape seed oil is non-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, fights against wrinkles, fights acne, and helps control dandruff.


  • Vitamin E: Dermatologists’ affirm that Vitamin E is a remarkable remedy in case your beard has split ends. Split ends are brought about by a combination of distinct sources such as over washing with harmful shampoos, lack of beard treatments, detrimental beard products and blow-drying. Vitamin E will ensure your beard remains smooth and moisturized. Vitamin E oil deeply hydrates and conditions your hair and skin, treating conditions such as beard dandruff. If you use oils rich in vitamin E on a daily basis, then you are guaranteed that your beard will remain dandruff free. Using a beard oil rich in Vitamin E will prevent your skin from becoming flaky and dry. The oil will also make your hair look fresher and healthier.
Vitamin E also helps to stimulate beard hair growth. Vitamin E helps increase blood circulations to that precise area of the body. A steady and healthy blood supply to the face stimulates the growth of beard hair. Besides beard hair growth, Vitamin E Oil is quite well-known to help prevent premature graying due to its nourishing properties.


  • Hemp Seed Oil (Used in Buckshot beard oil and balm) High in protein, moisturizes, stimulates hair growth, anti itch and anti-inflammatory.


  • Fractionated Coconut Oil (Used in our Buckshot beard oil and balm): Great at protecting facial hair and helps retain moisture. It will condition your beard, protect it from damage, and help it to grow.


These amazing natural oils in our beard oils will improve the way your beard looks by giving it a little shine, helps to promote healthy hair growth and will make your beard and skin, look and feel healthier.  



  • Softens & moisturizes your beard and the skin underneath
  • Helps Prevent Ingrown hairs
  • Relieves beard itch
  • helps prevent beardruff (Dandruff on your beard)
  • Heal dry, flaky skin
  • Repair dry and damaged hair
  • Promotes healthy, thicker beard growth

Does beard oil actually work?, does beard oil work, skullys beard oil


Daily application of beard oil should begin as soon as you decide to grow your beard, because it is also an excellent skin conditioner. The best time to apply beard oil is after a hot shower, when your hairs are the cleanest and softest; this is when your skin and hair most easily absorbs beard oils. We recommend using beard oil at least twice a day.

  1. Pour out your desired amount of beard oil into the palm of your hand.
  2. Simply rub your hands together to ensure there will be an even distribution of oil applied into your beard.
  3. Start from the root of your hair follicle. It’s important to get to the base of your beard as it will make sure that your skin will also receive a lot of great nutrients from the oil. Work your way from the skin to the tips of your beard hair.
  4. To evenly distribute the beard oil, you will want to use a beard brush or a beard comb.

Application guide:

Beardless – 1 month

3-4 drops Daily treatment

1 – 3 months

4-6 drops Daily treatment

3 – 12 months

6-10 drops Daily treatment

12 months +

10 drops and up Daily treatment


Beard oil is amazing stuff and something your beard requires for a lot of reasons. If you’re serious about making your beard look its best while keeping it healthy, then you should add beard oil to your daily grooming routine. You’ll be amazed by how much better your beard looks and feels. 

We highly recommend trying our premium beard oils. Our exclusive formula is created with the highest quality ingredients possible! We currently offer 13 unique and amazing fragrances and 1 fragrance free option.

Plus, every product we sell comes with a Satisfaction guarantee, 100% Money Back Guarantee and FREE domestic shipping and returns! 

We are here to support you and answer any questions you might have. Don't hesitate to reach out to us anytime at


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