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Dog days of summer are here – protect your beard oil!

The heat of summer is here, time for longer days, sunscreen debt, day drinking, and beard oil protection??  Did that last one through you for a loop?  

Well, let’s discuss this one for a moment, shall we?  Remember friends, beard oil needs a cool, dry place to be stored when not in use.  The heat is not a friend to your beloved beard oil. Skully’s beard oil is enriched with premium carrier oils such as Golden Jojoba, Argan, Sweet Almond Oil, Grapeseed Oil, and Apricot Oil.  These delicate carrier oils are at risk when UV rays are allowed to pass through the bottle and can break down causing your beard oil to spoil prematurely. Lucky for you, we’re here to help by providing our beard oils in amber or colored bottles to aide in preventing this very catastrophe.  Here are a few helpful tips to extending the shelf life of your favorite Skully’s beard oil.


  • Store your beard oil away from heat and direct sunlight, with the top closed tightly, and always away from pets and children.  Best spots to store your beard oil would be a cabinet, a drawer, or any room in your home that stays cool and dry.

  • Place your beard oil away from steam and humidity – this means your medicine cabinet or favorite place in the bathroom may NOT be the best place for storage.  If the beard oil dropper is not screwed on correct or tight, you could allow condensation to creep into your bottle and we all know oil and water do not mix. 


  • Let your beard oil dropper touch anything that might contaminant your entire bottle of beard oil - a dirty sink, hands, and floor or leave it resting on a countertop.  

  • Leave your beard oil in your car directly exposed to extreme heat and direct sunlight.

  • Store on shelves near an open window or near a heat source of any kind.  

Using these simple guidelines will allow you to continue caring for your beard in the best possible way.

Summer is in full effect, so keep rocking that mug rug!  Keeping your beard clean, hydrated, and well-groomed will help you beat the searing summer heat.  

There is no other feeling like whipping your beard back as you exit the water and wringing the water from your manly mane!  Put down the clippers, grab a beer and do an epic cannon ball, welcome to summer!

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