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3 Tips for Growing Your Beard Faster

We get the question all the time: “How do I make my beard grow faster?” There isn’t a miracle pill to grow an awesome beard overnight, but there are a few easy ways to contribute to your beard growth on a daily basis.


1. Boost Testosterone

The most efficient way to kick start beard growth can be through working out on a regular basis. Exercise increases testosterone which triggers beard growth. Working out improves overall health and the healthier you are, the stronger your hair growth and your overall body will be. Exercise also boosts metabolism, which can trigger facial hair growth and also triggers bodily recovery, which can help replenish hair and skin.

3 Tips for Growing Your Beard Faster blog by Skullys Beard Oil

2. A Healthy Diet

Vitamins and minerals help increase the speed at which facial hair grows. Include Vitamins A, B, C and E in your diet as they speed up the hair growth process.

Increase the amount of protein in your diet. Protein found in meat, fish, eggs and nuts will help your facial hair grow more quickly. Eggs are very high in quality protein which is one of the essential building blocks of hair. One of the main vitamins for beard growth is biotin, and it just so happens that eggs are one of the richest sources of biotin.

3 Tips for Growing Your Beard Faster blog by Skullys Beard Oil


It is said that your facial hair grows faster while you are sleeping! When you get enough rest, your stress levels are lower and helps the body to regenerate testosterone, which is why it is recommended to get 8 hours a night. When your stress levels are lower, hair is more likely to grow. Sleeping helps the body to regenerate testosterone, which is important for natural hair growth.

3 Tips for Growing Your Beard Faster, beard growth

By spending a little extra time everyday, you can say hello to a more powerful, healthy and strong beard game. Click here to learn 7 EASY HACKS TO MAKE YOUR BEARD GROW FASTER

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