Before You Begin Applying Beard Oil
- The best time to apply beard oil is after a hot shower, when your hairs are the cleanest and softest; this is when your skin and hair most easily absorbs beard oils.
- Dry your beard, before applying any beard oil. It’s OK if your beard is still kind of damp. If your beard or skin is too wet, the water will prevent the oil from being absorbed.
Lets get started.
How often to use beard oil
- Frequency of application varies based on season, climate, and numerous other factors. Start 2 times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. You can adjust as necessary. If you use too little beard oil it will leave your beard feeling a little dry, too much will feel greasy.
- The length and thickness of your beard will determine how much beard oil you need to use. A little bit of beard oil will go a long way. The average beard requires about 6 drops a day, which means that a one ounce bottle could last you about 100 uses, or approximately 2 months. If you have a shorter beard, start with 3 drops in the morning and again at night. You can adjust from there. If you have a yeard (a 1 yr old beard) approximately 10 drops or so will be a great start.
Thank you for reading our article and we hope this has been useful to you!
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